Terms and Conditions

We get it—reading terms and conditions is like being handed a 1,000-page novel where the main character is a paragraph about cookies. But trust us, they’re important, and we’ve made ours as clear and straightforward as possible (no cliffhangers, we promise).

Curious about the dos, don’ts, and “why do we need this?” details? Head on over to our parent site, www.financialregulationcourses.com, where the full Terms and Conditions live. It’s all there—organised, no confusing legalese, and definitely no secret clauses that sign you up for a lifetime supply of something you didn’t order.

Spoiler: our terms cover everything from how we deliver your awesome learning experience to how we handle things if, say, you accidentally try to take your course from Mars (yes, that’s a thing we had to think about).

Still awake? Good! Go ahead and take a peek. And hey, if you’ve got questions or need a nudge in the right direction, feel free to reach out. We’ll keep things simple, light, and maybe even entertaining (we’ve been told we’re pretty fun for terms-and-conditions people).

So don’t worry—you’re not signing your life away. Just ensuring that everything runs smoothly while you focus on acing your course. 😉